Why It’s Smart For Small Businesses To Offer Last Minute Holiday Deals

We’ve all seen it — the wide-eyed look and gasp from a friend or relative… “It’s HOW MANY days until Christmas?!” Good news for them is that a lot of businesses offer last minute deals for the ones who let time slip away from them. That’s why it’s good to consider being one of those businesses that are there for people who are in desperate need of a good deal in a jiffy. But what’s the bonus of doing that? Well — let’s take a look at some advantages of offering up a tight deadline deal or two…
How To Create An Eye Catching Holiday Gift Guide For Your Small Business

Gift-giving season is in full swing — which means there is no shortage of options when it comes to filling those stockings. But here’s the thing, it’s like finding the perfect Christmas tree, there are lots to choose from… lots of twiggy, pokey ones in front of the one that’s going to look the best in your living room window. As a business owner, it’s good to get in on the ad action, but you’ve got to find a way to stand out. Be the biggest, greenest, freshest Spruce on the market. Holiday gift guides are a great way to highlight options rather than throwing a whole book at someone. Take a look at some ways to create a guide that is sure to engage, impress, and convert customers.
Why Small Businesses Should Focus On Product Or Service Quality For Black Friday

As a business owner, it’s important to radiate confidence in the quality of your product or service. You’ve worked hard building your brand. Don’t be afraid to hype it up a little. You know your product or service is worth it.
The 3 Part Process To Building Out The Perfect Cyber Monday Landing Page

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — and people love to shop. According to Finances Online “In 2020, the online sales on Cyber Monday reached $10.8 billion, making it the biggest eCommerce selling day of all time.” So how do you stand out from the crowd and show people the amazing service or product you have to offer?
4 Non-Tech Ways To Challenge Your Brain And How It Can Help You As An Entrepreneur

Technology can be very tempting. We carry devices where a world of information is at our fingertips. Want to learn how to churn butter? Want to know if fish sleep? It’s all right there! But the thing is — looking at a screen all day isn’t the best way to expand and challenge your mind. It’s important to live outside of the digital world and experience life in lived moments. Here are some ideas to give yourself a fun mental workout!
How Focusing On Mental Wellness As An Entrepreneur Can Help With Burnout

You love your life and career — But things aren’t always sunshine and rainbows are they? Balancing your world can be a challenge! You have a lot on your plate. Wouldn’t it be nice if someone whisked you away to a tropical island so you can bask in the sun and forget the worries of the world for a while? As nice as that sounds, we may not have the luxury of doing that all of the time. So, let’s talk about how we can support our minds and find some inner peace. We don’t need to get to a code red level of crisis when it comes to our wellbeing.
How to Market Your Business During Back-to-School

Part of being an entrepreneur is getting creative when it comes to marketing your business. Typically, we market ourselves based on trends, but for the most part we keep our strategies steady throughout the year. Consistency is key, but what most people don’t talk about is flexibility. You’re not always going to reach your target market. dStill, people will inevitably stumble upon your product or service. So, how can you use this as fuel for your business?
Balancing Back-to-School as a Parent Entrepreneur

Business owners and entrepreneurs alike require diligence and organization to keep their business running. When the summer months roll around, it’s common to adapt to the laid-back lifestyle that comes along with warmer weather. l While this environment can be relaxing and refreshing, it can be a bit too relaxing if you’re relying on your business financially. Neglecting your responsibilities as an entrepreneur might set you back mentally, making it feel impossible to maintain success throughout this time. But, we’ve got a secret to share with you.
Myth: Free Content Hurts Your Business

Today we’re finally busting the myth that free content hurts your business. It’s common to think that giving away free resources can be counterproductive if you’re trying to grow your business and make more money. Why waste your time, money, knowledge, and resources on something that won’t give you a return on your investment? Stop right there! You’re not wasting your time.You’re investing! Ever heard of a success story that didn’t start with some sort of risk? Neither have we. The best part is that this risk is just a small — tiny, no, microscopic — one. And it’s going to pay off!